FONTLOG: Whois -------------------------------------------- Whois-mono -------------------------------------------- This file provides detailed information on the Whois Mono font software. This information should be distributed along with the Whois Mono font and any derivative works. Whois Mono Font Information A simple monospace font ChangeLog 6 Nov 2015 (Christoph Haag) - created fontforge sources as base to work on GNU/Linux - added FONTLOG to .sfdir - Mastered Font from Fontforge SFDIR to UFO,OTF,TTF,EOT,WOFF,SVG 5 Mar 2015 (Raphaël Bastide) - emdash, bitch. 18 May 2014 (Raphaël Bastide) - More accents /ô/Ð/ and more 15 May 2014 (Raphaël Bastide) - Added /«/»/“/”and /¿fixes #10 19 Jan 2013 (Raphaël Bastide) - Adding [ô and other accentuated glyphs 17 Jan 2013 (Raphaël Bastide) - New accentuated characters + [&] + issues solving 12 Jan 2013 (Raphaël Bastide) - New [€ some issues fixed 4 Aug 2012 (Raphaël Bastide) - + ponctuation + minor changes 16 Jun 2012 (Raphaël Bastide) - More glyphs [%] [[]] + some accents - Naming fix 11 Jun 2012 (Raphaël Bastide) - Caps and digits 10 Jun 2012 (Raphaël Bastide) - Initial release If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (if you have one) (W) and description (D). This list is in alphabetical order. N: Christoph Haag E: christoph.[.AT.] W: D: Transformer N: Raphaël Bastide W: D: Designer