FONTLOG: Arimo -------------------------------------------- Arimo Italic -------------------------------------------- This file provides detailed information on the Arimo font software. This information should be distributed along with the Arimo font and any derivative works. Arimo Font Information Arimo was designed by Steve Matteson as an innovative, refreshing sans serif design that is metrically compatible with Arial. Arimo offers improved on-screen readability characteristics and the pan-European WGL character set and solves the needs of developers looking for width-compatible fonts to address document portability across platforms. ChangeLog 9 Jan 2015 (Christoph Haag) Arimo 1.24 - created fontforge sources as base to work on GNU/Linux - added FONTLOG to .sfdir - Mastered Font from Fontforge SFDIR to UFO,OTF,TTF,EOT,WOFF,SVG 2010 (Steve Matteson) Arimo 1.23 - Initial release Acknowledgements If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (if you have one) (W) and description (D). This list is in alphabetical order. N: Christoph Haag E: christoph.[.AT.] W: D: Transformer N: Steve Matteson E: W: D: Designer -------------------------------------------- Arimo Bold Italic -------------------------------------------- see above -------------------------------------------- Arimo Bold -------------------------------------------- see above -------------------------------------------- Arimo -------------------------------------------- see above